Faster Deployment Each Time with Cloud Native Solution for Your Business

Cloud native solutions offer numerous benefits, including increased agility, scalability, efficiency, and cost optimization. An organization’s application development and delivery processes can be accelerated by leveraging the cloud's capabilities and adopting the modern practices and technologies. It ensures robustness and reliability in the face of changing business requirements and dynamic cloud environments.

With cloud adoption at an enterprise level, a business would require certain features or capabilities, that a cloud provider is unable to provide, handle its demand, or is not cost-efficient for the business. To handle such issues, tailor-made cloud-native applications according to business requirements would provide a scalable, resilient, and flexible solution. The cloud-native solution would adopt approaches like containerization, deployment automation, and continuous delivery for faster time to market, immutable infrastructure, high productivity, and efficient operations from the cloud to the edge. The re-architecting, re-hosting, and re-platforming according to the required application gives an efficient infrastructure for optimum performance. Cloud-native development ensures increased efficiency, reduced cost, and high availability with no downtime.

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Empower Your Business with Cloud Native Solutions: Cloud Native Benefits and Capabilities
Cloud Native Solution Technologies: AWS Lambda, Step Functions, AWS Aurora, DynamoDB, Amazon API Gateway, Docker, Kubernetes, Apache Kafka, AWS EventBridge, Azure Event Grid

Our Expertise

At Seaflux, our expert architects specialize in conducting a comprehensive audit of your cloud infrastructure. They formulate the best approach to harness the benefits of an efficient infrastructure, incorporating reduced economies of scale. Our cloud-native development methodology includes Microservices, DevOps, Containers, and PaaS, all seamlessly integrated with 24x7 cloud monitoring. Throughout this process, our adept developers skillfully deploy customized codes on the infrastructure of serverless cloud computing platforms, especially AWS - Seaflux’s cloud partner. This strategic approach not only enables auto-scaling and cost optimization but also aligns seamlessly with Cloud Migration, Kubernetes Deployment, and AWS Serverless Architecture. With our robust cloud-native solution seamlessly integrated, you can confidently redirect your focus to what you do best, scaling up your business, while leaving the technical intricacies to us.

We offer the following service areas:

  • Serverless computing platforms, like AWS Lambda, Azure Functions, and Google Cloud Functions, allow developers to write and deploy code without managing the underlying infrastructure. It enables automatic scaling, cost optimization, and event-driven architectures.
  • Cloud-native databases, such as Amazon Aurora, and DynamoDB are designed to scale horizontally and provide high availability and durability in cloud environments.
  • Packaging and isolation of applications and their dependencies using containerization platforms like Docker.
  • Our expertise extends to automating the deployment, scaling, and management of containers using Kubernetes, ensuring efficient resource utilization and high availability for effective Cloud Migration and streamlined Kubernetes Deployment.
  • Technologies like Apache Kafka, AWS EventBridge, and Azure Event Grid enable the implementation of event-driven architectures, where applications respond to events and messages asynchronously.
AWS LambdaStep FunctionsAWS AuroraDynamoDBAmazon API Gateway DockerKubernetesApache KafkaAWS EventBridgeAzure Event Grid

How can Seaflux help you in developing Cloud Native Applications?

Microservices Cloud Applications: Microservices architecture for improved resiliency, flexibility, and scalability.

Microservices Cloud Applications

Applications based on microservices architecture for improved resiliency, flexibility, and scalability

Application Modernization: Modernization of applications for cloud adoption and improved performance.

Application Modernization

Modernize application portfolio for cloud adoption and improve performance

Serverless Solution: Least infrastructure management with on-demand scaling, high availability, and fault tolerance.

Serverless Solution

Least infrastructure management with on-demand scaling, high availability, and fault tolerance

Streamline Development: Custom application development and modernization of containers for a scalable solution.

Streamline Development

Custom Application Development and Modernization of containers for a scalable solution

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