A new world of possibilities, for your devices to make sense!

Internet of Things is simply connection of physical devices over the internet for the purposes of collecting and exchanging data. Connecting the devices and equipping them with smart sensors gives devices cognitive abilities, which otherwise would have not been smart. Devices are now advanced enough to communicate in real-time scenarios without human intervention. At Seaflux, we envision a world where we can help our clients with future aligned exchange of data by leveraging IOT.

The Internet of things has several advantages to offer, but it primarily provides 3 advantages. Reduced human intervention, cost effective operations and improved decision making. Smart businesses require connected systems, equip your business with IOT.

Are you interested to know more on how IoT can take your business to the next level?

Give us a shout
Seaflux's Internet of Things (IoT) Solutions for connected devices and data exchange.
Seaflux's IoT Expertise: Python, Amazon IoT, Arduino/Raspberry Pi, DynamoDB, Lambda, MQTT, Amazon Kinesis, Kafka, Apache Spark.

Our Expertise

Seaflux takes your concept and helps you at each stage starting from analysis to final product that you have envisioned consulting the right IoT technology and other technology stacks required in order to build the end product.

We have a team of highly experienced IoT professionals who work on your data in a distinctive manner. Data retrieval, data processing, data analytics and data security; we help you at each step of the process. Data retrieved from IoT systems can be stored using other technology eco-systems for accessibility and security of your data.

PythonAmazon IoTArduino/Raspberry PIDynamoDBLambdaMQTTAmazon KinesisKafkaApache Spark

Where can seaflux help you for your next IoT requirements?

Data Retrieval: Gathering, structuring, and securely storing data from hardware sources for IoT solutions.

Data Retrieval

One of the key points in building IoT software - to design and build solutions for data gathering from any hardware source (sensor, wearable, or industrial device). The data should be cleared, structured and securely stored in the cloud, or sent to the final receiver

Data Processing: Transforming and utilizing data through IoT architectures, focusing on human-machine interactions.

Data Processing

Data brings value addition to the businesses only when it is processed. Data is the new-age fuel and businesses need to use it to their advantage. Our team of experienced professionals build IoT architectures to ensure smooth Human-to-machine & machine-to-machine interactions. We set up cloud applications to aggregate IoT data and process it keeping scalability in mind

Data Analytics: Deriving insights and visualizing data collected over time in IoT-enabled ecosystems.

Data Analytics

A lot of data is collected in an IoT enabled ecosystem over a sustainable period of time. We provide data analytics services that help to derive insightful information from the data. Our team of data science experts assist in IoT data visualization as well

Data Security: Ensuring secure storage, retrievability, and disaster recovery in cloud-enabled IoT environments.

Data Security

Security and retrievability of data is the basis of data collection and analysis. We help our clients to store the IoT data on the cloud. With cloud computing services, data backup and recovery processes are very easy and inexpensive. Disaster recovery is one of the prime reasons to make the IoT ecosystem cloud enabled

Still confused where to start? Schedule a quick 15 mins chat to clear all your doubts now

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Why choose Seaflux as your IoT partner?

Certified professionals
Serving multiple domains with a wide range of technology expertise
Development & Deployment using cloud managed platforms
Post deployment support for Monitoring and rectifying any improvements post Deployment

Speak to one of our IoT specialists now

